Mammillaria Spinosissima
Mammillaria zeilmanniana is one of the most beautiful mammillaria. It is an exception from the general rule that the red-flowered cactus of this genus do not bloom until they are several years old. It produces a profusion of deep carmine-red flowers while still quite young and small.
- product Detail
Light: Mammillaria thrives well in bright indirect light. Direct sunlight can be fine.
Water: Follow drying out in between watering. Excess water can be detrimental.
Soil: The Soil need to be fertile and well drained where there is no water logging. Fertile soil rich in humus can be prepared.
Fertilizer: Fertilize Mamillaria in every two to four weeks during spring and summer. Use a general purpose liquid houseplant fertilizer, but dilute the mixture to one-third to one-half the solution recommended on the container. Withhold fertilizer during the fall and winter months.